When you help 'Mind the Gap' you make our free, public, K-12 IB World School possible!
Read on to find out how your gift helps!

Read on to find out how your gift helps!
What is "Mind The Gap" and How Does Your Gift Help?
THANK YOU for helping us reach out goal for the 2020-2021 school year! July 1st marks the start of our campaign for the 2021-2022 school year, which we have GREAT things in store for. You can find out more HERE.
MIND THE GAP (MTG) is Sage International's annual fundraising campaign where we ask our Sage Community to help 'bridge the gap' between the state funding we receive (the lowest per-student funding in the nation) and what it actually costs to operate our K-12 IB World School. This 2020-21 school year, we anticipate our need as being $100,oo0 and need your help with reaching that goal!
EXACTLY WHERE DOES YOUR MTG SUPPORT GO - AKA OUR 'TEACHER GAP'. Each year, based on the number of students we serve, the state funds a certain number of Sage teachers. Each year, we hire more teachers than the state funds in order to deliver our outstanding IB curriculum. We also pay our teachers above the amount the state provides because they deserve it and earn every penny caring for our (your) students! From a funding perspective, this is our 'Teacher Gap'.
HOW MUCH TO GIVE? We are a diverse community with over 300 of our students' families (nearly 1/3) living below or near the poverty level - we love that we truly represent and provide 'IB for ALL'. This is our way of saying, please give at a level that is meaningful to your family with our $100,000 goal in mind. We receive MTG donations from $20 to $5,000 - and each gift is greatly appreciated and helps us reach our goal. Remember, gifts to Sage are entitled to generous tax deductions and credits. Also check with your employer to see if they match donations, we have many generous companies in the area such as Micron that do! Thank you for your support, we are in this together and couldn't do it without you!